Monday, November 9, 2009

Pedestrian Death

Just watched the news reporting that there's an increase in the number of pedestrian death in the city. The city is looking into what is causing the increase - physical structure, traffic lights, etc. From what I've observed about the traffic in the city, I can tell you that it's none of what they mentioned. It is the "ATTITUDE" of both the pedestrian and the drivers that is causing it. Since I've moved here, one thing has been glaringly obvious - people in the city has a sense of entitlement that is more extreme than anywhere else I've seen.

Both the pedestrian and the driver feel that they are in the right and are entitled to the road. Therefore, the pedestrian is more likely to jump in front of the moving vehicle and "EXPECT" it to stop than to just step back and wait a few seconds. The driver is more likely to just continue to move and "EXPECT" the pedestrian to wait because after all, the car is more dangerous than the pedestrian and can cause more damage.

Therefore, since both feel they have the "RIGHT OF WAY" and aren't willing to give up that "RIGHT", they both suffer the consequences.

Why people don't think their SAFETY outweighs their RIGHTS is beyond my comprehension.

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